First Americans and England’s Potomac Frontier, 1606-1676

The 2021 Montgomery County History Conference included a talk about indigenous people in the Mid-Altantic area by Dr. Stephen Potter. In honor of Indigenous People’s Day, Montgomery History is making this talk available during the week of October 9.

In 1607, most of the Algonquian-speaking peoples of the Potomac River Valley not only were involved in their own alliances and squabbles, they also were linked with other peoples through a complex web of trade, alliances, and conflict that stretched far beyond the banks of the Potomac. This tumultuous native political landscape affected the development of relations with the invading Europeans and the course of colonial and imperial powers in the region from the Great Lakes to the Virginia Capes. Dr. Stephen Potter draws on a combination of ethnohistorical, historical, and archaeological data to offer new perspectives on the critical decades following the establishment of Jamestown, Virginia, and the founding of St. Mary’s City in Maryland. Rewind available October 9-15 on the Montgomery History website.

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