History Lives Here
Now is a great time to join in shaping the future of Historic Takoma! We’re currently seeking three new people to join our Board of Directors. Anyone who is a member of Historic Takoma is eligible to apply. Not a member? Join us today!
About Us
Historic Takoma, Inc. is a membership-based, all-volunteer, 501(c)3 non-profit organization, founded to preserve, protect, and share the history of Takoma Park, Maryland and the Takoma Park neighborhood of the District of Columbia. More information about the organization can be found at historictakoma.org. If you have any questions about the board or our board of directors recruitment process, contact us at historictakoma@gmail.com.
Application Process
Interested applicants should fill out this brief form below and submit it to Historic Takoma, Inc., not later than April 21, 2025. Historic Takoma’s current board members will review the applications and offer interviews to qualified candidates. A slate of proposed directors will be selected from among those interviewed. The full board will vote on the candidates in May 2025.
See the full job description and apply here.
The 2025 House and Garden Tour features locations in North Takoma. The Charm of North Takoma tour includes houses spread across three streets in the heart of North Takoma, B.F. Gilbert’s final subdivision. The tour will take place on Sunday, June 8, 2025 from 1 PM to 5 PM.
Please watch this space for details on purchasing tickets for the tour.
Volunteers to help with the tour are needed. If you can assist, please contact us at info@historictakoma.org.
If your property is located within a Montgomery County historic district or is an inidivudally designated historic site and you made exterior repairs to it in 2024, you may be eligible for a Montgomery County historic preservation tax credit. You can receive a 25 percent credit for exterior improvements, such as repairing your historic windows or siding, painting or replacinbg your roof. APPLY BY TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2025. Eligible work includes repairs, restoration or rehabilitation of exterior features of county-designated historic structures.
Learn more and apply online at montgomeryplanning.org/historic
Your membership makes our work to preserve, protect, and share the history of Takoma Park possible. Please renew your membership or make a donation to Historic Takoma.